We give you personal deals and help you in saving a decent sum from your bills each month.


Deemed business rates- what do they mean?

When you move into a property, and there is no legal agreement for electricity or gas charges, then a deemed contract comes handy. The suppliers make their charges outlined on their website as their standard charges.
A deemed contract rate is a fixed rate and is much higher than the rate than the normal contracts you could have signed for. However, the problem of the business deemed contract arises at the fault when you move into a property. Hence, it is advisable to be organized and have the proper knowledge to avoid such unnecessary costs

What is the difference between deemed rates and contract rates?

The energy rate you are charged in a deemed contract is significantly lower than the standard contract rates. The reason behind that is you can’t establish an energy contract until you become a registered tenant. Hence, the suppliers take advantage of you not having the ability to have a contract in place before then.
You need to pay for the electricity and gas charges only after your contract comes to an end or has been terminated until you get a new contract.

How can I be affected by the deemed rates?

After comparing the deemed rates of the suppliers, we found a huge difference in their charges.
We noted that the smaller companies offer the lowest deemed rates to the tenants as NPower deemed rates will be lower as compared to British gas deemed rates because NPower is smaller electricity supplier than the British gas. However, if you find the contracted rates lower than the deemed rates, then it is worth considering the industry’s lower rates.
The research is conducted to mark the difference between the two charges shows the value in calculating the combined cost. One of the energy provider Gazprom is the perfect example of that. When you have a look at their standing charges, you will find it to be the highest, but their unit charge is the lowest among all they work out at one of the lowest rates for gas and electricity supply.
You need to think carefully and be considerate about how quickly you need to decide or act based on the prices as they would depend dramatically on the supplier registered with your new premises.

How to know the amount of electricity or gas I consume?

To know your electricity or gas consumption check the bill’s second left-hand side box, which will provide you the details of the amount of kWh you used during a specific period. This information will help you understand what time of the year you use the most energy and help you curb down the additional usage.

How can I avoid it?

All you need to do is be organized and know everything. Don’t leave it for the last moment after you have moved to the new premises to find out which supplier your property is registered with. If you do so, you will face using unnecessary charges. So, get everything ready before you move into your new house and find the earliest date to sign the contract with the energy provider.
So, be smart and attentive to avoid the payment of unnecessary energy charges.


Understanding the Commercial Energy Bills

Commercial energy bills are the most onerous bills to understand, due to the presence of complicated terminology, figures, and abbreviations. Most of the people don’t even try to understand the commercial gas prices and the commercial electricity rates, the best they do is look at the total amount of the bill and pay. However, it is essential to take out some time to understand your commercial energy bills.

What is the need to understand business energy bills?

Understanding your energy bills will of great benefit to you; most importantly, it would help you save your money.
For instance, if you know your commercial gas prices and commercial electricity rates, you can analyze and determine your commercial bills if you are paying an unnecessary cost for your energy.. By understanding your bill, you will be able to shop around to look for a better deal on energy.

What plan am I on?

Knowing what plan you are on is the best way to start understanding your bills. The details of your plan are mentioned on your bill on the front page.
Being on a standard tariff is the worst one you can be on as they are suppliers benefiting tariff whose price fluctuates with the market making them the most expensive one with no benefits
However, it has got a positive aspect that you are not tied in so you can switch anytime you want. Some of the other types of tariff plans are dual fuel, fixed-rate, prepayment, green, and online.

How to know the amount of electricity or gas I consume?

To know your commercial cost of electricity or gas per KWH consumption, check the bill’s second left-hand side box, which will provide you the details of the amount of kWh you used during a specific period.
This information will help you understand what time of the year you use the most energy and help you curb down the additional usage.

How to know my mode of payment?

Once again, your electricity bill will come handy to provide you details of the mode of payment to pay to your commercial energy suppliers. We have found that for paying your energy bills, debit cards are the most cost-effective way.

MPAN and MPRN number- What are they?

Meter Point Administration Number or MPAN is the number for electricity meter, which can be found on your bill under the section “Details of the charge.” It is a 21-digit number that starts with S. MPRN; on the other hand, it is the meter reference number, also known as meter point number, which is unique to your gas meter.
Both the numbers are unique to your Meter and allow you to quickly identify the correct Meter when you choose to switch your energy.

What to do now?

After acquiring all this information, what to do next? Use these details to find yourself a better deal for your business energy prices.
If you find you are on a standard tariff, then you have the ease of switching anytime and getting a better deal for yourself. However, if you are on a fixed rate tariff, you have to wait for your contract to end before you can switch your energy.


Understanding Half-hourly meters. Half Hourly meters- what is it?

A half-hourly electricity meter is specially designed to automatically record details about the usage of electricity in business in every 30 minutes. This provides the information to the supplier in real-time. These types of meters are designed specifically for businesses and are not available for residential use.

Benefits of Half Hourly meter

Provides exceptionally accurate and up to date meter readings
The readings are submitted automatically, so there is no need for you to take and submit the readings manually. Thus, help to save your time
The contract of the half-hourly meter users are customized to their unique profile
It provides you with detailed information about when your business uses the electricity in bulk which will help you curb down the usage to save your money

Drawbacks of Half Hourly Meter

Half hourly electricity prices are usually high than the normal electricity prices because some company charge for a meter operator that covers the rent and maintenance of the half-hourly Meter. £500 per annum, depending on the meter operator and type of Meter you choose for your business. The contract would cost you between £250 to £500 per annum, depending on the meter operator and type of Meter you choose for your business.
There is massive traffic in getting a new contract or renewing an old standard half hourly contract, which will take more time than the usual contracts.
Once a half-hourly meter is installed, most of the suppliers do not change it to other types of meters.

How to find the type of Meter I am currently having?

Look at your current bill to identify the type of electric supply you currently have. It can be determined from the MPAN number or supplier number on your bill. However, if you don’t have your energy bill available, then the electricity distributor of your area can help you identify it.
A meter number consists of 12 digits starting with an S. if you find the first two digits of your meter number 00, then you have a half-hourly meter and vice versa.

Is using a half-hourly Meter for business necessary?

If your business has an electricity demand of 100kW or more in 30 minutes, or if you find your meter number starting with 06,08, 05,07 while renewing your contract, you are required to have a half-hour meter. It is a necessity acknowledged by the Balancing and Settlements Code governing the electricity supply and is also a part of the conditions for electricity supply license.

Can I change my half-hourly Meter?

Positively. You can switch your half-hourly e-suppliers or tariff anytime you want. For finding the best deals on your half hourly rate, you need to look around and get some quotes. It is advisable to start looking for the court six months before your contract ends or renewal.


Save your Money by Switching your Business Energy Supplier

To have a successfully running business, it is essential to make money. It requires both time and effort to gain such a huge profit, but they need to save business money must not be overlooked. Your endless hours and resources for making money would be of no use if you cannot save your business money. The best way you have to save your money is by reducing your gas and electricity bills.

How much can I save by switching my gas and electric supplier?

Research shows that a business could save about £1,150 per year on their energy bill by looking for a better deal in the market. So yes, you can also save massive amount just only switch business energy suppliers if it required.

What benefits would I get by switching?

The most important benefit you will get by switch energy provider, financial. You will know where to use the amount and would end up with better customer service and a personal account manager readily available to help you with your business needs.
Additionally, you will not only get a cheaper supplier but will also reduce the price for others. This is because the more business, switches its energy supplier, the more would be the competition among the suppliers to bring down their energy prices, thus offering a cheaper deal to everyone.
Also, you will receive a personalized energy usage plan to meet the needs of your business.

How to conveniently switch an energy supplier?

When we decide to switch business electricity supplier, our minds get occupied, and we start thinking we don’t have the time or the patience to track down or go through the long switching process. But there is nothing to worry about switching. It is just like switching your home energy supplier and would be smooth and quick.
Our company, Committed Utility Solution (CUS), provides a quick and easy comparison of different energy supplier prices to make your work easy. All you need to do is answer a few questions to get an accurate energy supply quote. It will also help if you have your latest energy bill handy to provide us with all the required information.

What is the process for switching?

After receiving different quotes from suppliers, you need to review them and pick the best-suited energy and gas supplier for your business. Once done with this, only thing is left to switch energy and gas supplier by providing the details of your business address and bank details. The rest would be done by a supplier and will contact you within two weeks to get the required information about the service and switch over date.

Finding the best energy suppliers in the UK

Apart from “The Big 6” energy supplier, there are several more suppliers in the UK offering better prices and services. Here are some of the options you can choose from
First Utility
Corona Energy
Yu Energy
Avanti Gas
Opus Energy
Contract Natural Gas
Haven Power
Gazprom Energy
The most efficient and convenient way to help your business is by changing business energy supplier. So switch the business gas and electricity to save more.


Understanding the terminology of No-standing charge contract

No standing charges and zero standing charges are the two ways of saying the same thing. In simple words, you need not pay anything for having a gas or electricity supply. Instead, you pay only for the gas or electricity you used. In UK there is only few zero standing charge suppliers which offer this type of contract. They can be beneficial for businesses with low gas and electricity usage.

Who can benefit from low standing charges?

A business firm operating seasonally can benefit from such contracts, as they would only have to pay for the time of year they are operating. Another business that can benefit from no standing charge electricity contracts is village or community halls. This is because; they are operational only few times a year and do not have much gas and electricity usage.
Alternatively, there is a possibility for you to cut down the cost if you use a lot of electricity but less gas. Additionally if you have standing charge on your gas, and paying a standing charge for your electricity usage will help your business financially. However, every business has got its unique needs and has to find out what works best for them.

Which energy suppliers in the UK offer no standing charge?

It is challenging to find a supplier who offering no standing charge energy as there is not much information available on most of the supplier’s websites about whether they offer or don’t offer any standing charge. You can call them individually and ask them, but it will require hours of hard work.
So, we have eased out your work by providing the list of suppliers offering no standing charge to business firms.
Opus Energy
British gas
Avanti Gas
Yu Energy
CNG – No standing charge only on supply gas
Corona Energy- No standing charge available only on gas
Utilita- No standing charge available only on electricity
Total Gas and Power- No standing charge only on gas

How to find the cheapest contract for your business?

A zero standing charge tariffs contract is worth considering for the business firms having low gas or electricity usage. To do so, you need to get quotes from some of the suppliers offering zero standing charge electricity contracts to compare their rates with a standing charge type contract. However, to get a quote from a supplier offering no standing charge, you will need to provide the details of your electricity or gas usage over a year, along with the details of your business address and size.


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We started with a mission to help the community to save on their monthly bills of business gas & electricity, and our team leaves no stone unturned to get you the most personalized deals to help you save a significant money that you can invest somewhere else.

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My Energy Quote is certainly way ahead of its competitors when it comes to giving personalized deals!
Kudos to the team and continue with the brilliant piece of work.

We started with a mission to help the community to save on their monthly bills of business gas & electricity, and our team leaves no stone unturned to get you the most personalized deals to help you save a significant money that you can invest somewhere else.



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